- 提利灯Tirril burner
- 斯this
- 提利煤气灯tirrill burner
- 设得兰矮种马提利产下小马驹的时候,她的主人感到了双重意外:一来他们根本不知道提利已经怀孕,二来他们怎么也没想到提利会产下一匹"斑马"。The owners of Tilly the Shetland pony received a double shock when she gave birth. They didn't know she was pregnant - and they certainly weren't expecting a zebra.
- 碧利斯Bilis
- 利斯本Lisburn
- 让人捉摸不定的马丁·利斯正在把整个事情葬送掉。Weird Martin Liss was going to blow the whole thing.
- 诺加利斯Nogales
- 利斯特袋Lyster's bag
- 利斯特管Lyster's tube
- 利斯廷定律Listing?s law
- “碧利斯”Billis typhoon
- 利斯吨氏剪liston's scissors
- 利斯哥循环Lythgoe's cycle
- 利斯特菌病listeriosis
- 利斯廷平面Listing's plane; primary axial plane; primary axis plane
- 利斯特杆菌listeria
- 利斯忒透镜Lister lens