- 提供免费网上名录.Offer a free online directory.
- 这个知者运动之中文网页,提供免费网上课程,教导关于遨游太虚世界之各种实践技术,去获得有关自我求知及灵性发展之神秘及灵性的喻索道理。This Chinese web page of Mysticweb offers free online course on various proven techniques for Astral Travel to gain mystical and esoteric information for self-knowledge and spiritual development.
- 免费free (of charge)
- 免费网上银行服务Comprehensive NET Banking Service for Free
- 迪斯尼将试运行电视节目免费网上点播Disney to start free internet trial of top TV programmes
- 于所有参展企业,展会将提供免费的会刊名录服务。CIKB will offer all the exhibitors to the Show free service of listing in the Show Catalogue.
- 免费的buckshee
- 对顾客我们提供免费配套服务。We offer a free backup service to customer.
- 提供免费服务Offer free(/gratuitous)service; provide the service gratis
- 除提供免费服务的机场隧道和长青隧道外,其他隧道的收费须受政府规管。Tolls are set and monitored by the government while the Airport Tunnel and Cheung Tsing Tunnel are free of charge.
- 所有房间免费宽频上网,商务中心提供免费电脑专业的服务队伍。Broadband internet service free of charge in room.
- 提供免费送货服务FREE Delivery Service is offered
- 那家医院为穷人提供免费治疗。The hospital provides free treatment to indigents.
- 提供免费样品或折扣Offer a free sample or discount
- 官立和资助小学提供免费普及教育。Schooling in government and aided primary schools is free and universal.
- 这个航班给旅客提供免费饮料。The airline supplies passengers with drink free ofcharge.
- 全价房提供免费早餐。Complimentary breakfast is available for the guests in the quoted rate rooms.
- Microsoft还为没有Windows Server 2003的客户提供免费试用IRM服务。Microsoft also hosts a free trial IRM service for customers who do not have Windows Server 2003.
- 展会提供免费班车服务。CIKB offers free shuttle bus service.