- 据说人能中邪.It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits.
- 据说人能中邪。It is believed that people can be possessed by evil spirits.
- 能energy
- 不能cannot
- 才能talent
- 只能not having any other choice; obliged to do sth
- 他们满以为没有人能忍受得住这种艰苦,但是我们还是挺过来了。They thought no one could hold up under such hardship. But we carried it through.
- 没有人能和这些钢铁垄断企业竞争。No one could compete with these steel monopolies.
- 在场的人没有人能一下子说出生产增长的准确数字来。Nobody present could give the exact figures of increase in production offhand.
- 论力气,无人能和他相比。No one equals him in strength.
- 他一旦决定了他的行动方针,就没有人能说服他改变决定。Once he has set his mind on a course of action he is not to be talked out of it.
- 没有人能谅解我。No one understands me.
- 这辆空车极其缓慢地从山丘上滑下来,但没有人能阻止住它。The empty car rolled down the hill in slow motion and nobody could do anything to stop it.
- 她说个不停,没人能阻止她。She kept talking and nobody could choke her off.
- 有人能做吗?Can anybody do it?
- 没有人能逃避命运。No one can avoid his destiny.
- 无人能及incomparable
- 没有人能想到他会泄密。He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam.
- 没人能看破这秘密。No one could plumb the mystery.
- 我一个人能行。I shall be able to manage without help.