- 以往的经验告诉我们,某些事情我们是做不到的。Past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are beyond attainment.
- "如果得不到更多的资金,我们就不得不关闭所有的分支办事处。""Unless we get more finance, we'll have to close the branch offices."
- 时间到捞起来就不会被抱怨,只要时间相差不到就算成功To finish on time will not be complaining, as long as the difference in time, even if not successful
- 【谚】海底捞月办不到。Do not cry for the moon.
- 要是做不到这一点,他们必须对由此产生的后果负责。Failing this, they will be held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom.
- [谚]海底捞月办不到。Do not cry for the moon.
- 让我们一步步做吧,俗语说得好:同时追两兔,一只也捉不到。Let's take things a step at a time. You know what they say. If you run after two hares you will catch neither.
- 把所有的药放在孩子们拿不到的地方。Keep all medicines out of reach of children.
- 树木遮住了我们的视线,使我们看不到湖。Trees obstructed our view of the lake.
- "苏对我们说,她不到一小时便答完了考卷。" "她能做得完才怪呢!""Sue told us that she finished the exam in an hour." "Like fun she did!"
- 他已同人群混杂在一起而找不到了。He has mixed with crowd together but has not found.
- 如果可能,让孩子们呆在听不到的地方。Keep the children out of earshot if possible.
- 不要走得太远,要不然我们会找不到你的。Don't go too far afield or we might lose you.
- 他们的孩子留给了一帮佣人,得不到应有的照管。Their children were left to the ineffectual care of a parcel of servants.
- 现在几块美元几乎买不到什么东西了。A few dollars goes nowhere now.
- 我们只有不到一小时的时间整理行李。We had a scant hour to pack.
- 年龄不到或者超龄的人都不得参军。People who are either under age or over age may not join the army.
- 比基尼内裤到臀部但不到腰部的短内裤Brief underpants that reach to the hips rather than to the waist.
- 我的朋友们消失在人群中,我看不到他们了。My friends merged into the crowd and I lost sight of them.
- 一个观众看不到的乐队正在演奏爵士乐。A large unseen orchestra was playing jazz.