- 他冲她喊,叫她快跑,可是她呆立在那里,腿都挪不开。He shouted at her to run, but she just stood there, glued to the spot.
- 她的屋里书多得挪不开步。You can't move for books in her room.
- 开open
- 没有人帮忙,我可挪不动这架钢琴。I can't move this piano without assistance.
- 开关power switch
- 我挪不出一点地方来,我坐得很挤。I can't move up at all. I'm sitting on the thin edge of nothing.
- 挪不动move
- 机械员发现这架飞机的发动机盖揭不开了。The mechanic found that the engine hood of the plane would not lift.
- 他累得一步也挪不动了。He was too tired to go any further.
- 然而一切这些,离不开动员老百姓。But all these are inseparable from the mobilization of the common people.
- 我再也挪不动了,我筋疲力尽了。I can't move any further; I'm done up.
- 另一个人虚弱得挪不动步子。Another man was too weak to walk.
- 因而也是和主观指导的正确或错误分不开的。Consequently it is also inseparable from the correctness or incorrectness of the subjective direction of war.
- 没有人帮忙,我可挪不动这架钢琴.I can't move this piano without assistance.
- 主货舱门打不开,为了不延误飞机,我们想人工断开舱门。Main cargo door cant's be opened electrically, In order to avoid aircraft delay, we want to open it manually.
- 个人的利益是与集体的利益分不开的。The interest of the individual is bound up with that of the community.
- 这块石头,约翰连挪都挪不动,更不用说搬走了。John cannot even move this stone, still less can he carry it away
- 我们严重的官僚主义与现在机构的臃肿是分不开的。Our grave propensity to bureaucracy is inseparable from the current overstaffing of our organizations.
- 他一想到这场灾难,两腿就像有千斤重,再也挪不动一步了。All the thought of the mishap his legs stiffened under him and couldn't move a step further.
- 但主动或被动是和战争力量的优势或劣势分不开的。But initiative or passivity is inseparable from superiority or inferiority in the capacity to wage war.