- 枪spear
- 枪兵pikeman
- 玩具枪peashooter
- 你有没有按摩?Did you get a massage?
- 这枪能发出看不见的射线。The gun can fire invisible rays.
- 枪管gun barrel
- 枪头hammerhead
- 他被命令交出他的枪。He was ordered to surrender his gun.
- 风枪air pressure gun
- 黄油枪lubricating screw
- 油枪oil gun
- 枪机locking bolt
- 猎人迅速向鹿开了一枪。The hunter snapped a shot at the deer.
- 三枪triple-gun
- 射钉枪power actuated setting device
- 枪伤gunshot wound (GSW)
- 施耐德式枪snider
- 他端着枪准备射击。He is holding a gun at the ready.
- 来福枪rifle
- 左轮枪fiveshooter