- 如有损坏,我拿你是问。Hold sb responsible for sth.I will hold you liable for any damage.
- 大概是问你是不是提供退款保证书有人问你,注册你的软件,随时可以退单吗?I use swreg, someone ask me: Do you all offer some time of money-back guarantee?
- 你是说----难道你做过什么错事,亚特兰大的北方佬能拿你治罪吗?Do you mean--have you done something the Atlanta Yankees can get you for?
- 惟你是问。You'll be held personally responsible.
- 我要处理的事情够多的了,不要再拿你的问题来打扰我了。I have enough to contend with. Don't bother me with your problems.
- 要是婴儿出了什么事,我唯你是问。You'll have to account to me if anything happens to the baby.
- 要是你白天在办公室里很烦恼,没有必要到家里拿你妻子出气。If you've had an annoying day at the office, there is no need to work it off on your wife when you get home.
- 如果我没记错的话,你是布莱克先生。Mr. Black, if I'm not mistaken.
- 他出售这台机器时知道它有毛病,因此他拿这钱是问心有愧的。He knew the machine was faulty when he sold it so he accepted the money in had faith.
- 拿你最喜欢的任何一个。Take whichever you like best.
- "母亲需要休假。你是知道的,这些孩子们的确让她忙得不可开交了。""Mother needs a holiday: the children do run her feet, you know."
- 出了差错唯你是问。You'll be held responsible if anything goes wrong.
- 你是做什么事情的?我是一名学生。What are you? I am a student.
- "你是不是等于通知我,你不久就要结婚了,先生?" "是的,那又怎样?""You have as good as informed me, sir, that you are going shortly to be married?" "Yes, what then?"
- 出了事唯你是问。You'll be held responsible if anything goes wrong.
- 较大的那双靴子是你的。如果我找不到我的书,我就会拿你的这不关你的事。The larger boots are yours.If I can't find my book, I'll take yours.
- 这辆车如果出什么问题, 我就惟你是问。If anything happens to this car, I will hold you accountable.
- 拿你的走吧!我给那后来的和给你一样,这是我愿意的。Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you.
- 要是这些孩子受到什么伤害,我将唯你是问。You'll have to answer to me if any harm comes to these children.
- 较大的那双靴子是你的。如果我找不到我的书,我就会拿你的The larger boots are yours. If I can't find my book,I'll take yours.