- 细工餐具filigree table wares
- 由细工木匠最后手工完成的木制品。woodwork finished by hand by a cabinetmaker.
- 带栎木细工镶板的房间.a room with fine oak panelling
- 他们临时拼凑出一个计划。They clapped up a plan.
- 镶木细工制作镶花地板的工艺或程序The art or process of making parquetry.
- 她根据人们家里讲的和商店听来的闲言碎语拼凑成了这个故事。She had concocted the whole story from dribs and drabs of gossip picked up at back doors and in the shops.
- 带有三维回纹饰的装饰物;几何形浮雕细工ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets; geometric openwork
- 为了使人们发笑或落泪从而赚很多钱,许多作家对剧本勉强拼凑。Many writers hoke up the play to make people laugh and cry and make a lot of money.
- 回纹细工饰带有三维回纹饰的装饰物;几何形浮雕细工Ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets; geometric openwork.
- 拼凑的一队a scratchy team
- 精心制作的金丝(或银丝、铜丝)的细工饰品an intricate filigree
- 即兴地随口拼凑台词to extemporize dialogue
- 浮雕细工;刻划杂乱的门;像雕刻的石像一样站着the carved fretwork; an intricately carved door; stood as if carven from stone
- 拼凑块Puzzled block
- 浮雕细工;刻划杂乱的门;像雕刻的石像一样站着。the carved fretwork; an intricately carved door; stood as if carven from stone.
- 把木板拼凑成一把轻便折椅Knock the boards together to make a camp chair
- 雕绣一种透雕细工刺绣,它图案的中空部分被挖去openwork embroidery in which the ground fabric is cut away from the design
- 为一位不速之客拼凑了一顿饭to scrabble up a meal for a uninvited person
- 透雕细工薄纱、金属、雕刻等的透雕细工和透孔制品ornamental or structural work,as of embroidery or metal,containing numerous openings,usually in set patterns
- 种种回忆的拼凑a mosaic of memories