- 宗教仪式可以以巫术崇拜者“拜鬼仪式”或“女巫会”或标志生命转换来拥有,例如诞生、来临的时代、结婚/婚约、乔迁庆宴、疗愈、死亡或通路的其它仪式。Rituals may be held at Wiccan "sabbats" or "esbats" or to mark life transitions such as births, coming-of-age, marriages/handfastings, housewarmings, healings, deaths or other rites of passage.
- 鬼ghost
- 膜拜prostrate
- 黑鬼nigger
- 拜金mammonish
- 鬼的spiritual
- 拜仁慕尼黑Bayern Munich
- 鬼屋spook house
- 鬼吹灯disrupt furtively
- 甘拜下风bow to somebody's superiority
- 讨厌鬼skunk
- 敬拜cult
- 鬼才wizard
- 拜尔Bajer
- 人鬼情未了Ghost
- 顶礼膜拜pay homage to
- 疑神疑鬼full of suspicion
- 拜祖先to worship one's ancestors
- 食尸鬼ghoul
- 有钱能使鬼推磨money can work miracles