- 大法官被气得连连拍案。The judge was enraged and stroke the table for several times.
- 他们的洞察力往往令人拍案称奇。Their acuteness often surprises
- 拍to clap
- 案table
- 周瑜怒不可遏,拍案大叫:“快把黄盖斩了!”Chou Yu shouted with anger, "Kill Huang Kai immediately!"
- 怒骂brawl
- 他们会告诉你许多你闻所未闻,使你拍案称奇的事情。They will tell you many things which you have never known and whereat you will be amazed.
- 自拍autodyne
- 那悍妇怒骂那流浪汉。The virago vomited out curses on that tramp.
- 拍电影film
- 怒骂声roars of anger
- 案文text
- 拍拖date somebody; have a date with somebody; go on a date with somebody
- 怒骂不休cursing angrily without stopping
- 销案close a case; bring a case to a close
- 轻拍lap
- 艾伦先生对着别一位驾驶员怒骂起来。Mr Allen gave the other driver a piece of his mind.
- 在案on record
- 他的怒骂使她畏缩了。She wince under his attack
- 拍档collaborator; partner