- 探索神经系统结构的先驱高基和拉蒙1906年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者The pioneer in exploring the structure of the nervous system Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramon Nobel Prize winners in physiology or medicine in 1906
- 麦格昆磁Magnequench
- 麦格早餐时一直闷闷不乐。Meg wasn't at all agreeable at breakfast time.
- 派拉蒙Paramount
- 麦oats
- 蒙hoodwink
- 拉伸stretching
- 麦格威风八面,当了保镖。Meg enacted escort with great dignity.
- 用软木塞塞住瓶子Plugged a cork in the bottle.
- 考拉koala
- 用软木塞塞住瓶口Plugged, plug. Ging, plugs plugged a cork in the bottle
- 拉德rad(unit of absorbed dose)
- 合剂用过后用软木塞塞住。Cork up the mixture after use.
- 麦格威风八面,当了保镖。Meg enacted escort with great dignity.
- 拉屎shit
- 酒精易挥发,请把瓶塞塞好。The alcohol is volatile, so please keep the bottle corked.
- 耳麦earphone mic
- 拉的tensile
- 拉手knop
- 拉丝drawbench