- 她已整整一年没有练钢琴了。She has been out of practice on the piano for a whole year.
- 拇指的起点是在与手掌接合处。The base of the thumb is where it joins the hand.
- 他在钢琴上弹了一首曲子。He struck a tune on the piano.
- 她由钢琴伴唱。She sang to the accompaniment of the piano.
- 他用拇指揿按钮。He thumbed the button.
- 听众热情地为钢琴演奏者鼓掌。The audience clapped the pianist heartily.
- 拇指基部the base of the thumb
- 他天生擅长弹钢琴。He is a natural on the piano.
- 吮拇指可够羞人的。What a shame that you suck your thumb.
- 麦琪钢琴弹得很好。Maggie plays the piano very well.
- 你的拇指为什么用绷带包住呢?Why is your thumb in bandage?
- 他的钢琴弹得难听死了!His piano playing is murder!
- 我用拇指重又开燃打火机。Again I spun the lighter with my thumb.
- 她在钢琴伴奏下演唱。She sang to a piano accompaniment.
- 莫笑皮匠拇指黑。Mock not a cobbler for his black thumbs.
- 她弹钢琴为我们助兴。She played the piano for our entertainment.
- 拇指贴把thumb-up
- 他弹钢琴时充满激情。He played the piano with feeling.
- 一个有破坏性弹奏技术的错误是拇指总习惯于低于手掌。One of the most damaging technical errors is the habit of placing the thumb under the palm.
- 乱弹钢琴strum on a piano