- 抽象画的画家.a painter of abstracts
- 没有素描能力的画家所画的抽象画,无法给人深刻印象。It's impossible to be impressed by abstract painting when the artist can not even draw well.
- 没有素描能力的画家所画的抽象画无法给人深刻印象It's impossible to be impressed by abstract painting when the artist cannot even draw well.
- 思想中的潜意识部分; 海洋深处; 抽象画的质量[深度]-space
- 壁炉架上有一幅当时时兴的画家画的肖像,简直使他着了魔。A portrait over the chimneypiece, painted by the fashionable artist of the day, acts upon him like a charm.
- 试着画一幅抽象画吧。Try to make an abstract painting.
- 如画的picturesque
- 她是一位杰出的科学家--同时还是一位很有才华的画家呢。She was a distinguished scientist and a gifted painter into the bargain.
- 突然,他看见地上放着一幅美丽的抽象画,Suddenly, Jose saw a beautiful abstract painting lying there.
- 只是在信的末尾他才几乎顺便地提到他是一名好的画家和雕塑家。Only at the end does, he mention, almost incidentally, that he is a good painter and sculptor.
- 这幅画的原作在大英博物馆内。The original picture is in the British Museum.
- 描绘我姑母的容貌,需要一个画家才行,而且不是寻常的画家。It would require a painter, and no common painter too, to depict my aunt's face.
- 纯抽象|抽象画中完全没有实物的表现complete abstraction
- 这个地方以它的如画的景色著称。The place is remarkable for its picturesque scenery.
- 苏州史称"吴门",作为有共同地区特征的画家群形成了吴门画派。Historically suzhou was also known as Wumen, and this painting school was named the Wumen Painting School.
- 这幅画的构思不成熟。The conception of the picture is undeveloped.
- 我真的很喜欢今天看到的这些抽象画.I really like these abstract painting we saw today.
- 有时间你一定要写信告诉我你最喜欢的画家,无论老的还是年轻的。别忘了,我很想知道。You must write me sometime whom you like best among the older painters as well as among the moderns. Don't forget, as I am curious to know.
- 保守计画的秘密。Guard the secrecy of the plan.
- 他画的奔马栩栩如生。The galloping horses he painted are extremely lifelike.