- 镜头scene
- 特写镜头close-up
- 折返turn back
- 分镜头breakdown
- 长焦镜头telephoto lens
- 折返段back-turning section
- 镜头盖lens cap
- 折返站Turning-back Station
- 他摇镜头拍摄全景。He panned the camera across the scene.
- 微折返microreentry
- 折返线turn line
- 在那部恐怖电影中,食人者肢解那传教士的镜头使我毛骨悚然。The scene the horror film where the cannibals dismembered the missionary left me with my hair standing on end.
- 小折返micro-reentry
- 单镜头single lens reflex
- 折返跑turning back run
- 这部影片在放映前剪去了不少暴力镜头。Not a few violent scenes were cut from the film before it came to show.
- 折返环reentrant cycle
- 这台镜头转台提供照相机的高精确度定位。This turret provides highly accurate positioning of cameras.
- 折返型reentrant type
- 我在拍摄前先用镜头把她对清楚。I got her in focus before I took the photo.