- 国有净资产折股制度的研究Research on the system of converting state - owned net assets into shares
- 入股技术在增资时能否折股?Become a shareholder is the technology in add endowment when whether fold?
- 股thigh
- 徇私舞弊低价折股、出售国有资产犯罪案件的侦查Investigation of Case of Irregularities for Favoritism so as to Convert State-owned Assets into Low-priced Shares or to Sell off the Assets at Low Prices
- 折broken (as of rope stick)
- 正是这种丰富而微妙的变化,造成他雄伟飘逸姿态,磅礴放旷的气势,划沙折股的笔意,具有很强的艺术感染力。The varied brushstroke techniques in his works enabled him to form a magnificent and bold calligraphy style, which was of a great artistic appeal.
- 折起turn up
- 入股become a shareholder
- 个股individual share
- 折纸paper folding
- 新股new share
- 折弯bend
- 一股a jet of
- 折边hem
- 招股raise capital by floating shares
- 折痕fold
- 持股share-holding
- 弯折kink
- 美股stock in America
- 折弯机bending machine