- 折算convert
- 经折算的酬金commuted gratuity
- 经折算的退休酬金commuted pension gratuity
- 赠送酬金grant gratuity
- 她酬金很高。She is handsomely paid.
- 外币折算translation
- 她看孩子的酬金很高。She was paid generously to look after the children.
- 按年折算annualize
- 一开始我们只能给你区区二百英镑作为酬金。We can only offer you a beggarly two hundred pounds to start with.
- 按折算率换算coefficient conversion
- 恐怕我付不起给医生的酬金。I'm afraid I can't afford the doctor's fee.
- 双折算法double deflation approach
- 应急猎头公司只有为客户找到适当的人选时才收取酬金;Contingency searchers are paid only when they have filled a position;
- 向下折算reduction descending
- 这个向导收到了一笔酬金。The guide received a gratification.
- 折算的corrected
- 他收到一笔丰厚的劳务酬金。He received a generous remuneration for his services.
- 折算惯量referred inertia
- 极少的酬金a nominal fee
- 折算率conversion rate