- 折broken (as of rope stick)
- 折起turn up
- 疲weary
- 折纸paper folding
- 折弯bend
- 折边hem
- 筋疲力竭burn itself out
- 折痕fold
- 疲累tired; worn-out
- 弯折kink
- 我们因爬上那座小山而筋疲力竭。We were exhausted by the climb up the hill.
- 折弯机bending machine
- 疲累的tired
- 八折by twenty percent discount; twenty per cent discount
- 长期熬夜使她筋疲力竭。She was tired out by these long vigils.
- 折皱cockle
- 他们频频受邀参加宴会,疲于应付。They were snowed under with invitations to parties.
- 折角dog-ear
- 他筋疲力竭。He ran himself ragged.
- 折让allowance