- 把马套到四轮马车上.Harness a horse to a wagon
- 他把马套到四轮马车上。He harnessed the horse to a wagon.
- 用作轮换的马都已套到了那辆马车上.A new relay of horses was harnessed to the cart.
- 把马套到雪橇上Hitched the horses to the sleigh.
- 那些红色与金色相杂的四轮马车上有些空座位。There were empty seats in the red-and-gold wagons.
- 农夫把马套到马车上。The farmer harnessed the horse to the cart.
- 他叫住一辆敞篷四轮马车,吩咐上弗雷塔街去。He hailed a droshky and asked to be driven to Freta Street.
- 套到木竿尖上防止其裂开的金属包头或镶边a metal cap or band placed on a wooden pole to prevent splitting
- 把马套上车A horse to a cart
- 四轮马车在古时用于打仗。Chariots were used in ancient wars.
- 我们把两匹矮种马套到了车上。We harnessed two ponies to the cart.
- 去年开始我们才真正地把重点转到四个现代化建设上来。It was not until last year that we began to shift our focus onto the drive for modernization.
- 马科纱Maco yarn (用埃及棉纺制的原色纱)
- 普通立式车床精加工车轮轮毂孔的数控改造Numerical Alteration of Common Lathe for Machining Wheel Hubcap
- 他们看见一匹马套在客栈里的一根桩子上。They saw a horse hooked up to the post of the inn.
- 有篷四轮马车一种四轮有篷马车,后有敞开的,有头罩的座位。A four-wheeled closed carriage having an open, hoodedseat behind.
- 说完就要去上马。说时迟,那时快,忠实的约翰抢在他之前骑上马,抽出匕首把马杀死了。He was about to mount it when faithful Johannes pushed in front of him, quickly jumped onto the horse, drew the gun from its saddlebag, and shot the horse.
- 四轮马车带轮子的车辆,尤指马拉的四轮客车,常设计得很精巧A wheeled vehicle, especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle, often of an elegant design.
- "6镑," 我说道: "真贵,你可把它放起来留到结婚时穿。""Six pounds, " I said. "That's very good money. You'll be able to save for your bottom drawer, "
- 给那匹小马套上马具,我们要坐车出去逛逛。Harness the pony and we'll go for a ride in the cart.