- 把病人翻过去让他俯卧.Turn the patient over onto his front.
- 把病人翻过去俯卧。Turn the patient over on his face.
- 把病人翻过去让他俯卧。Turn the patient over onto his front.
- 她拿出一个婴儿的毛线靴,递过去让他检查。“这个织完了,另一个还没织多少。”She removed a baby's woolen bootee and held it out for his inspection "I've finished this one but haven't done much on the other."
- 黑塞瑞格.当他俯卧在地时.企求饶命Heselrigge, as he lay prostrate . . . implored for life
- 医生进退两难,不知道是否该把病人的真实病情告诉他。The doctor was in a dilemma as to whether to tell the patient the truth about his condition or not.
- 他俯卧在长榻上,睡得正香。He was lying prone on the couch, fast asleep.
- 墙太高了,你能帮我翻过去吗?Could you help me over the wall? It's too high.
- 这位医生把病人转介绍给专门医生诊治。The doctor referred the patient to a specialist.
- 人们发现他俯卧着。He was found lying in a prone position.
- 这个小孩让他妈妈把椅子加上垫子。The child let his mother pad the chair.
- 注意:翻译的时候,一些细节和文法有所更改,如果你想看原文,点击这里。(靠,娜伍希卡在线的这个链接,点击过去让人不知所云,不是日文原文啊。)Note: While transcribing this translation from the original mailing list post, minor spelling and grammar changes were made. If you want to read the original post, go here.
- 把这页翻过去。Turn over the page.
- 他们从他俯卧的身体上踩过去。They stepped over his prone body.
- "医生进退两难,不知道是否该把病人的真实病情告诉他。"The doctor was in a dilemma as to whether to tell the patient the truth about his condition or not.
- 翻过去趴在地上。例如,Turn over and lie on one's stomach
- 医生让他的病人消除对健康的疑虑。The doctor reassured the sick man .
- 我的雨伞给吹得翻过去了。My umbrella has blown insideout.
- 医生毫无延误地把病人送进医院。The doctor lost no time in getting the sick man to hospital.
- 风把我的伞吹得翻过去了。The wind blew my umbrella inside out.