- 美国佬Yankee
- 肥佬lard-bucket
- 岩扫把peltateleaf meadowrue herb or root
- 鬼佬ghost-man
- 这样拿着扫把Hold the brush so.
- 打火扫把fire beater
- 和事佬peacemaker
- 扫把应声倒地。The broom fell to the floor.
- 扫把学得很快,The broom learned fast.
- "本特森是一个不折不扣的德州佬,在这里住了一辈子,服务参议院,代表德州人凡十七年。""Lloyd Bentsen is Texan through and trough, lived here all his life, served in the Senate, representing Texans for17 years."
- 你真是个扫把星。You are such a hoodoo.
- 英国佬limey
- 请把扫把递给我。Pass me a broom, please.
- 中国佬chink
- 地板上有支扫把。a broom was lying on the floor.
- 外国佬gringo
- 用扫把往床下猛捣,punching under the bed with the broom
- 乡下佬yokelry
- 小伙子要扫把停工,The boy told the broom to stop.
- 接着小伙子带扫把,The boy took the broom