- 这些人是在执行护送的任务的。The men were actually on an escort assignment.
- 执行护送任务的士兵.soldiers on escort duty
- 内务值勤人员,勤务兵被指派负责某一特定维持任务的士兵或士兵们The soldier or soldiers assigned to a specified maintenance duty.
- 执行carry out
- 美国特殊训练的在地面,于地面交通工具或在空中执行特殊袭击任务的士兵a member of a group of U.S. soldiers specially trained for making raids either on foot,in ground vehicles,or by airlift
- 士兵soldier
- 并排横排紧密地一个挨一个地排列着的士兵、交通工具或装备A line of soldiers, vehicles, or equipment standing side by side in close order.
- 轻工兵战场上,完成建造和破坏工作以便大部队行动的士兵A soldier who performs construction and demolition work in the field to facilitate troop movements.
- 这属于执行军事任务的范畴。This is in the line of military duty.
- 执行轰炸任务的敌机an enemy aircraft on a bombing run
- 当注视巴赫的作品时,我们肃然起敬。这些被关押的士兵对俘虏他们的人非常惧怕We felt awe when contemplating the works of Bach. The imprisoned soldiers were in awe of their captors.
- 医疗设备执行特种任务的应急装置A rig or device contrived for remedying an emergency situation or for doing a special task.
- 土匪们听说有一个团的士兵正向他们的巢穴进军就四处溃逃。The bandits fled in disorder when they heard that a regiment of soldiers were maching to their den.
- 在军舰周围执行守卫任务的小船。a boat that is on guard duty (as in a harbor) around a fleet of warships.
- 海外服役的士兵设法把他们薪水的一部分寄给妻子和家人们。Soldiers serving overseas arrange to remit part of their pay to their wives and families.
- 执行侦察任务的部队troops engaged in reconnaissance
- 一个由经挑选出的士兵组成的举行军人葬礼时鸣枪致敬的分遣队.a detachment of soldiers chosen to fire a salute at a military funeral.
- (计算机科学)包含关于特殊数据处理任务的相对瞬变数据的计算机文件。(computer science) a computer file containing relatively transient data about a particular data processing task.
- 敢死队员被派以极为危险的任务的士兵A soldier sent on an especially dangerous mission.
- 执行特种任务的应急装置.a rig or device contrived for remedying an emergency situation or for doing a special task.