- 托马斯Thomas
- 霍布斯Hobbs
- 托马斯夹板Thomas splint
- 霍布斯先生在本地一家现购自运式商店购买了大量食品。Mr Hobbs bought food in bulk at the local cash and carry.
- 托马斯杆Thomas bar
- 霍布斯太太特别高兴,因为她已说服大家关于这次宴会照她的意思办。Mrs Hobbs was particularly glad that she had carried her point about this party.
- 她已经放弃了一切劝戒托马斯的尝试。She had abandoned all attempts at remonstrance with Thomas.
- 霍布斯的Hobbesian
- 托马斯尝了那葡萄酒后做了个鬼脸。Thomas made a grimace after he had tasted the wine.
- 霍布斯晋升之后便很快失去了同事们对他的欢心。Hobbs soon fell out of favour with his colleagues when he was promoted above them.
- 早上好,我是托马斯先生。你知道我们曾谈过关于我想得到的股份的问题。Good morning. Mr. Thomas here. You know we are talking about those share I want to get.
- 霍布斯哲学Hobbism
- 托马斯是一个百分之百的爱国者。Thomas is a hundred per cent patriot.
- 霍布斯文化the culture of Hobbes
- 托马斯与这阴谋无关。Thomas was unconcerned in the conspiracy.
- 在上次选举中,霍布斯先生摆脱党派的约束,投他自主的票。At the last election Mr Hobbs cast off party trammels, and voted the independent ticket.
- 托马斯转炉炼钢Thomas converter steelmaking
- 霍布斯与洛克:两种政治哲学及其对现当代国际关系理论的影响Hobbes and Locke--Two kinds of Political Philosophy and Their Impact on Modern International Relations Theories
- "摆出事实来,鲍勃,提出事实来!" 托马斯打断道,他有点生气了。"The facts, Bob, the facts!" Thomas cut in. There was an edge to his voice.
- 像霍布斯先生这样的人,随时都有可能破产。A man like Mr Hobbs might find himself in Carey Street.