- 博obtain
- 赞to patronize
- 地大物博a vast territory with rich resources
- 考博prepare for the doctoral qualifying examination
- 你是托尼的兄弟吗?Are you Tony's brother?
- 读博pursue the Ph.D
- 托尼是我队的主力。Tony is the star player on our team.
- 大赞praise
- 博多Bodo
- 托尼因扮不礼貌的鬼脸挨了骂。Tony was scolded for pulling ill-mannered mugs.
- 博格Borger
- 像赞inscriptions on a portrait
- 托尼的花费超出其收入。Tony lives beyond his income.
- 博美犬Pomeranian
- 别以为你的赞词可以达到本人的耳朵而对其妹称赞其姊。Never praise a sister to a sister in the hope of your compliments reach the proper ear.
- 托尼被定为第二号种子选手。Tony was seeded number two.
- 阿赞加尔缎Azamgar
- 博识pansophy
- 他同托尼玩掷镖,但输了。He played Tony at darts but came off second best.
- 赞诵to extol