- 他越想就越伤心。 后来,为了嗓子不哽塞住,只好把泪水往肚子里咽。He so worked upon his feelings with the pathos of these dreams, that he had to keep swallowing, he was so like to choke;
- 多萝西 梅林在贪婪地吃着,她身材矮小却往肚子里塞进了不少食物。Dorothy Merin was eating like a horse, stuffing food into her small frame.
- 脱发;掉牙to lose your hair/teeth(= as a result of getting old)
- 多萝西·梅林在贪婪地吃着,她身材矮小却往肚子里塞进了不少食物。Dorothy Merin was eating like a horse,stuffing food into her small frame.
- 吃饱了还吃的早掉牙。He who eats when he is full digs his grave with his teeth.
- 口外弓推磨牙往远中移动的临床应用分析A clinical study on pushing molars back with face-bow
- 若打掉了他奴仆或是婢女的一个牙,就要因他的牙放他去得以自由。And if he smite out his manservant's tooth, or his maidservant's tooth; he shall let him go free for his tooth's sake.
- 稠稠的玉米粥像胶粘在喉咙里咽不下去,连作为咖啡代用品的烤玉米粉和山芋粉的混合饮斜也从来没有像今天这样难吃过。The heavy hominy stuck in her throat like glue and never before had the mixture of parched corn and ground-up yams that passed for coffee been so repulsive.
- 看到汤姆学骑自行车的样子,真叫人笑掉牙。To see Tom trying bicycling is enough to make a cat laugh.
- 听说是各项公债库券一齐猛跌,各人的心事便各人不同:“空头”们高兴得张大了嘴巴笑,“多头”们眼泪往肚子里吞!People reacted differently to the news of slump. The bears were jubilant and grinned from ear to ear, while the bulls tried hard to swallow their disappointment.
- 你咬紧牙往上爬,白花花的毒日头晒得你嗓子冒烟。Setting your jaw, you climbed on, the blinding, venomous sunlight making your throat smoke.
- 为你唱首金曲那也是老得掉牙Sing a golden oldie song
- 乔治回家时我没敢告诉他,否则他会笑掉牙的。I didn't dare tell George when he came home. He'd have laughed his head off.
- "而且,据说放鞭炮还能为人们在新的一年里带来好运气。"It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year.
- 牙齿的护理可以防止过早掉牙和膀光或肾感染。Dental care can prevent early tooth loss and bladder or kidney infections.
- `我找不到爸爸了,'小孩哭著[抽抽搭搭地/哭哭啼啼地/呜呜咽咽地/痛哭流涕地]说。I've lost my daddy, ' the little boy cried/sobbed/wept/whimpered/wailed.
- 医院里已住满了被打伤的孩子。The hospitals are filled with kids who have been wounded.
- "来和她谈谈吧," 玛丽说着,然后在人群中挤出一条路往前走,约翰紧随其后。"Come and talk to her, " said Mary, and she clove a way through the crowd, John following in her wake.
- "我看到他清早6点钟从她的套房里走出来。" -- "我明白了,别再说了!""I saw him leaving her flat at6 in the morning." - "Say no more!"
- 据信,戴琥珀项链有医疗效用,能防治耳聋、消化不良和掉牙等各种疾病。Worn as a necklace,it was believed to have medical qualities,effective against everything from deafness to indigestion to tooth loss.