- 小人flunky
- 经理对工人之中有打小报告的人感到生气The manager be angry about a whistle - blower among the worker
- 你稍微不慎说了一点不适宜的话,会有人打小报告。Speak out of turn, and an informer reports you.
- 书商来了,我问他是否能把那些即将被扔掉的小人书送给我们。Soon the distributor arrived and I asked him if we could have the comic books.
- 她跟老师打小报告说我带漫画到班上去。She told the teacher that I brought a comic book to class.
- 一个说大话的小人a vapouring little man
- 他打小就抓鱼,我还不知道他竟有这么大的能耐。He's fished since he was a little boy but I didn't know he could fish this well.
- 背景上面会藏着小人,前三关炼眼力,后两关就看你手快慢了。鼠标控制。Background will hide vilain, three imprison eyesight of smelting while being the first, two imprison, watch you hand speed while being back. The mouse is controlled.
- 他正设法打小满贯呢!He's working on a small slam!
- 小人,矮人homunculus
- 打小前锋的位置让梅森有机会展示他的高超的篮板球技术,而了打后卫时通常不需要这一招。Playing at the small for ward position also gave mason the opportunity to exhibit his rebounding prowess a skill rarely needed at the guard position.
- 他看出了这个害羞的小人想要什么。He perceived what the shy little man wanted.
- 中国小孩子,打小就学习下软腰、倒立,找一处墙壁就可以练了。When they are small,Chinese children already learn to bend waist and headstand. Finding a wall and they can practice it.
- 以小人之心with one's own mean measure
- 在我们拥有他的第二个赛季,季候赛第一论打小牛,表现非常好。In our second season with him we played the mavs VERY well in the frist round.
- 小人无大志little thing
- 他正设法打小满贯呢!He is working on a small slam!
- 他们的母亲没给他们买小人书。Their mother does not buy the picture-story book for them.
- [child+] 打小报告to tell tales
- 小人居住的神奇的小岛an imaginary land inhabited by tiny people