- 扎瓦赫里同时警告其他向伊拉克派军的西方国家,如果不从伊撤军,这些国家也将会遭到袭击。"Blair has brought to you destruction in central London, and he will bring more of that, God willing," he said in the video that was previously broadcast by the al Jazeera satellite channel based in Qatar.
- 基地”恐怖组织的二号人物扎瓦赫里在11月29日公布的最新录像带中威胁说,基地组织将会把对美国的战争进行到底,直到华盛顿改变政策为止。In a videotape that aired Monday, Osama bin Laden's right-hand man pledged to continue fighting the United States until it changes its policies regarding Muslims.