- 才学scholarship
- 才识ability and insight
- 才识过人talent and insight far beyond the average person
- 他有扎实的才学。He has sound scholarship.
- 蚱蜢-才识与高贵。Grasshopper - Wisdom and nobility.
- 卖弄才学to splurge for one's talent
- 暴风雨中才识好船长。It is in a storm that a capable skipper distinguishes himself.
- 只有有真才识学的人才能胜任这项工作。Only competent and well-trained person could do this job.
- 才学超群surpass the average in one's ability and learning
- 夕阳的爱情才识真情的开端!Love at the sunset is the beginning of true of affection!
- 才学美beauty of rich knowledge
- 这个婴儿才学着爬。The baby is just learning to creep.
- 理才学talentship
- 他才识过人,聪明敏锐,是世界上一位最能直抒己见又德高望重的政治家。With his brilliant, incisive intellect, he is one of the world's most outspoken and respected statesmen."
- 才学之辨estimation between gift and knowledge
- 回答提示:教育,抱负,才识,幸运,努力工作,坚强毅力,信心,知道如何与人相处Answer hints: education, ambition, talent, luck, hard work, strong will, confidence, knowing how to treat people
- 才学兼优having both talent and learning
- 才学浅陋shallow knowledge and small talent
- 自然人才学natural talent science
- 几乎一切关系到社会的伟大真理,都不是那种“年复一年地求索探寻,积聚起才识和智慧”的学究式冥思默想的结果。Almost all the great truths relating to society were not the result of scholarly meditation,"having up wisdom with each curious year."