- 一个女人必须精通音乐、歌唱、图画、舞蹈以及现代语文,那才当得起这个称号;A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages, to deserve the word;
- 天才talented
- 当心to take care
- 当家manage household affairs
- 才是be only
- 当下instantly
- 才艺acqierement
- 当归angelica
- 只有这样我们才能获胜。Only in this way can we win the game.
- 当真take seriously
- 有才talented
- 当事concerned; involved
- 发挥才能develop ability
- 当道be in power
- 鬼才wizard
- 当街facing the street
- 她是在她叔叔的帮助下才到那份工作的。She only got that job because her uncle gave her a leg up.
- 当回事take
- 1939年战争爆发时,她的父母在国外,他们直到战争结束时才能返家。Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 当红hot