- 手自一体变速器Automated manual transmission
- YT型调速器手自动切换阀的无效功能Invalid Function of the Automatic Switch Valve of the Velometer Handle of Model YT
- 自动automatic
- 你的意识将它部分的知觉转移至这一点,就象是为你的手自动引导的灯塔。Your mind shifts part of its awareness to this spot and acts like a homing beacon for your hand.
- 自动换行word wrap
- 一体integrative
- 自动筛选AutoFilter
- 牵手hand in hand
- 自动调整self-correcting
- 拉手knop
- 一体机all-in-one; all-in-one machine
- 自动保存autosave
- 手提电脑laptop
- 成为一体become one flesh
- 手下understrapper
- 自动排列auto arrange
- 自动求和AutoSum
- 手把handlebar
- 自动更正AutoCorrect
- 护手armguard