- 印制的地图(不包括简图和手绘地图的照相复制品,装订成册的地图和100多年以前印制的地图)map, printed (excl. schematic maps and photographic reproductions of hand-drawn maps, maps in book form and maps more than 100 years old)
- 按照一定比例绘地图(楼房)scale a map (building)
- 地志学者描叙某特定地理地区的表面特点并绘地图的人One who describes and maps the surface features of geographic regions.
- 成排的支桌上堆满了来自英国各地的书籍、地图以及古老的手绘平版画和木刻版画。Rows of trestle tables are stacked with books, maps and old hand-coloured lithographs and wood engravings from all over Britain.
- 手绘陶器hand-painted pottery
- 手绘Freehand
- 手绘壁纸hand painted wall paper
- 手绘线hand-drawing line
- 手绘圆freehand circle
- 手绘工艺手帕,送礼便于携带,礼轻情意重,令人难忘怀。art handkerchiefs with hand painting are easy to carry as gifts. They are trifling, But the feeling is profound and unforgettaBle.
- 手绘领带hand-drawing necktie
- 手绘手帕hand-drawing handkerchief
- 手绘头巾hand-drawing scarf
- 手绘围巾hand painted scarf
- 手绘教学hand -painting teaching
- 手绘表现hand- drawing
- 手绘形状hand-drawnshapes
- 手绘纹样hand-painting grains
- 手绘草图freehand sketch
- 在线手绘online sketching