- 手机cellphone
- 手机号cell-phone number
- 短讯平台Short message
- 智能手机smart mobile phone
- 手机充值cellular phone replenishing
- UPS短讯追踪对我有何好处?How can UPS SMS Tracking benefit me?
- 手机铃声mobile phone ringtone
- 为什么我无法进入UPS短讯追踪?What happens if I am unable to access UPS SMS Tracking?
- 短讯术:将短讯立即传至任何位置。Sending. Delivers short message anywhere instantly.
- 手机短信short information of cell phone
- 心灵短讯:向目标送出一条单向的心灵短讯。Missive. You send a one-way telepathic message to subject.
- 手机费cell-phone fee
- 当我不在亚洲国家时,可以使用UPS短讯追踪吗?Can I use UPS SMS Tracking when I am out of the country?
- 手机游戏mobile gaming
- 若您无法进入UPS短讯追踪,可能由于多种原因。When you fail to access UPS SMS Tracking, it could be due to several reasons.
- 手机套cell-phone cover
- 自2004年,天文台已为政府部门提供短讯天气警告服务。Since 2004, weather warnings have already been provided to government departments using short message service.
- 手机电池battery of mobile phone
- 设定短讯(SMS)会在您请求之后一或两分钟发送及到达。The SMS-based settings should arrive in a min or two after request.
- 手机上网surfing Internet with cell phone