- 月牙crescent
- 婴儿在吮吸手指。The baby is sucking its finger.
- 她用手指戳了他一下。She gave him a prod with her finger.
- 我手指上的伤口愈合得很好。The cut on my finger is healing well.
- 在太阳落下时,一个弯弯的月牙挂在西边,逐渐向东移动。There is a thin crescent in the western sky at sunset which moves eastward.
- 弯弯的月牙儿a crescent moon
- 压坏一个手指mash a finger
- 爸死时那个月牙,妈轿子前面那个月牙,我永远忘不了。But I can never forget the crescent moon I saw when Pa died, or the one that rode before Ma's bridal sedan-chair.
- 他的手指灵巧。He is skillful with his fingers.
- 月牙凹crater
- 她用纱布包扎了我的手指。She lapped my finger with gauze.
- 月牙边scallop
- 他知道她已经湿润了,用手指轻轻的、地触弄她的阴部。He had known she was getting wet and he gently touched her wet pussy with his finger.
- 月牙槽passing hollow
- 她的手指上戴了只金戒指。She wore a gold ring on her finger.
- 月牙刀moon knife
- 那根刺刺到我的手指。The thorn pricked my finger.
- 月牙的尖角cusp of the moon
- 严重烧伤的手指badly burnt fingers
- 月牙杆crescent-shaped lever