- 扇形模式下SPECT图像重建算法之比较研究Comparison study on typical reconstruction algorithms for fan-beam geometric SPECT
- 营销模式marketing model
- 模式的modal
- 部队往北呈扇形散开The troops fanned out in a northerly direction.
- 传输模式transfer mode
- 把圆分割成扇形to sector a circle
- 经济模式model of the economy
- 军队呈扇形散开The troops fanned out.
- 运行模式operational mode
- 固定模式fixed mode
- (构成某事物背景的)规律或制度;体制;模式General order or system that forms the background to sth
- 消费模式consumption pattern
- 业务模式business model
- 模式匹配pattern matching
- 失效模式failure mode
- 生产模式production model
- 模式图schematic diagram
- 系统管理模式SMM
- 新模式neotype
- 模式识别与智能系统Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System