- 精密扇形扫描稳速控制The Steady Rotating Speed Control for Precision Sector Scan
- 扇形扫描髋轴长预测髋部骨折Fan-beam Hip Axis Length Predicts Hip Fracture
- 扫描控制器scanning monitor
- 扫描scan
- 分步扫描控制器controller for step scanning
- 扇形扫描的TWS雷达目标方位角对距离估计误差的影响The Effect of Target Angle on Range Estimate Error in Sector Scan TWS Radar
- 微处理机扫描控制器microprocessor scan controller
- 山杏嗯的扫描控制器sector scaning controller
- 针对传统移位式霓虹灯扫描控制器的缺点,研制出由8031单片机、EPROM2732程序存储器和输出锁存器等组成的通用型可编程霓虹灯扫描控制器。To improve the shorting of the traditional displacing neon lamp scanning controller,a general purpose programmable scanning controller for neon lamps is developed on the basis of 8031 single chip micro computer,EPROM 2732 and output latch.
- 固定式顺序控制器fixed sequential controller
- DMA控制器DMA controller
- 部队往北呈扇形散开The troops fanned out in a northerly direction.
- 把圆分割成扇形to sector a circle
- 扫描图sscannogram
- 军队呈扇形散开The troops fanned out.
- 扫描文件scanning document
- 简介了可编程序控制器(lc)电抗器扇形铁心剪切线中的应用,给出了其中部分应用程序。The application of programmable logic controller( PLC) on the cut-to-length Line of transformer sectorial-shaped core is introduced. A part of its application programm is given.
- 扫描电子显微镜SEM
- 扫描线scanning beam
- 行扫描line scan