- 所有价格需要重新确认.All prices need reconfirmation.
- 所有all
- 确认verify
- 在同样比例下,更高的价格需要更多的激The same percentage of a larger price yields more incentive dollars
- 单中的所有价格以我方最后确认为准。All the quotations on the list are subject to our final confirmation.
- 第5条中合同规定的矿石价格需要被以下方式奖罚调整。The prices of Ore stipulated in Clause 5 hereof shall be adjusted by the following bonuses and penalties.
- 所有的proprietorial
- 不需要have no use for
- 重新确认reaffirm
- 所有人possessor
- 为了引起供给数量的一定反应,价格需要发生多大的变化。How great a change in price is necessary to elicit a certain response in the quantity supplied.
- 所有价格当然要经我方确认后方有效。We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot.
- 重新确认签条revalidation sticker
- 您并不需要重新编译应用程序。You do not need to recompile the application.
- 为了引起供给数量的一定反应,价格需要发生多大的变化。How great a change in price is necessary to elicit a certain response in the quantity supplied.
- 版权所有all right reserved
- 市场价格market price
- 再次确认reconfirm
- 不需要的needless
- 所有人的everyone's