- 所提交的资料缺乏条理.The presentation of the material was untidy.
- 所提交的资料缺乏条理。The presentation of the material was untidy.
- 资料data
- universe类型以及所提交的任务的详细信息是在一个提交描述文件中指定的。The universe type and other details of job submission are specified in a submit description file.
- 下述签字人在此申明,申请文件中所提交的资料在各方面都是完整的、真实和准确的。The undersigned declare that the statements made and the information provided in the duly completed application are complete, true, and correct in every detail.
- 她太缺乏条理了。She's so disorganized.
- 参考资料reference media
- 缺乏条理的随意努力random efforts that lack method.
- 各个节点在执行主节点所提交的作业时,需要重新引导的机率较小。There is a slight chance that each node will need to be rebooted while working on a job submitted by the master node.
- 这家小公司推出新产品获得成功,因为这种新产品恰好是大众所需要的。The small company hit the mark with its new product because it was just what the public wanted.
- 考察钻探资料的使用现状 ,针对目前钻探资料缺乏共享的事实 ,建立基于Web共享机制的工程钻探信息系统 (EDIS)。In this paper, the current situation of drilling data use is firstly summarized. For the fact that it is lack of drilling data sharing, the engineering drilling information system (EDIS) is developed based on web platform.
- 所示shown
- 此参数指定提交的UM呼叫应答邮件是否要求未送达报告(NDR)。This parameter specifies whether UM call answering messages that are submitted will request non-delivery reports (NDRs).
- 整理资料sort out data
- 她聪慧绝顶,工作却缺乏条理。She is highly intelligent but her work lacks organization.
- 我仔细看了这份分发的资料。I read the handout carefully.
- 在前一主体上,客户端断开了与数据库的连接,并且未提交的事务将回滚。On the former principal, clients are disconnected from the database and in-flight transactions are rolled back.
- 外商投资企业设立登记所需提交的文件、证件Documents and Certificates Required for the Registration of Establishment of Foreign-funded Enterprise
- 这本书包含了许多有用的资料。The book contains much useful information.
- 正如我们所知道的,物质随着温度的增加和减少而膨胀和收缩。As we know, materials expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature.