- 房间里回响著枪声。The room reverberated with the noise of the shot.
- 房间里回响著枪声.The room reverberated with the noise of the shot.
- 我们的声音在空房间里回响。Our voices echoed in the empty room.
- 他一跑了之, 耳边仍回响著他们的冷嘲热讽.He ran off, their jeers ringing in his ears.
- 一声雷鸣在屋子里回响。A clap of thunder reverberated through the house.
- 房间里弥漫着她的香水味。The smell of her perfume permeated the room.
- 大厅里回响着观众们的笑声。The hall echoed with the audience's laughter.
- 他被禁锢在一个小房间里。He was cooped up in a tiny room.
- 房间里漆黑一团。The room was as dark as pitch.
- 炮声在山谷里回响。The gunshot echoedthrough the valley.
- 从隔壁房间里传出悲怆的呜咽声。Miserable sobs were heard to proceed from the next room.
- 屋子里回响着孩子们的笑声。The house rang with children's laughter.
- 我们房间里的所有人都患了流感。Everyone in our room got the flu.
- 欢快的笑声在大厅里回响。Mirthful laugh echoed in the big hall.
- 我住在朝北的小房间里。I live in a small room facing the north.
- 这句话在她的耳朵里回响着。The words echoed in her ears.
- 整个房间里弥漫着这种气味。The odor penetrated the whole room.
- 她那尖锐的声音在我耳朵里回响。Her shrill voice echoes in my ears.
- 她就是在这个房间里逝世的。She died in the very room.
- 她的脚步声在空荡荡的屋子里回响着。Her footsteps echoed in the empty room.