- 车machine
- 房house
- 每次乘房车出发,就惦记着能否在幽静的小河边露营一次。Each time rides the saloon car to embark, whether keeps thinking aboutis camping out nearby the lonesome and quiet creek time.
- 车的vehicular
- 租房tenement
- 开车to drive a car
- 下车got out
- 上车to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc.)
- 双人房double room
- 退房check out
- 过山车roller coaster
- 车市car market
- 包房passenger compartment
- 房贷housing loan
- 推车go-cart
- 同房of the same branch of a family
- 在车aboard
- 房型house type
- 车展car exhibition
- 购物车shopping trolley