- 戴尔·卡耐基Dale Carnegie
- 戴尔dale
- 卡耐基基金会the Carnegie Corporation
- 卡耐基国际和平基金The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- 安德鲁?卡耐基开始工作时是在一家棉纺厂当线轴工。Andrew Carnegie started out as a bobbin boy in a cotton factory.
- 安德鲁·卡耐基Andrew Carnegie
- 梁启超与卡耐基对图书馆发展的贡献Contributions to Library by Liang Qichao and Andrew Carnegie
- 戴尔猜想The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture
- 年卡耐基教育进步基金会The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
- 总统布什抵达巴克戴尔军事基地就恐怖袭击事件发表讲话Remarks by the President Upon Arrival at Barksdale Air Force Base
- 戴尔计算机公司Dell Computer
- 戴尔的传奇故事是很出名的。The Dell saga is well known.
- 比较:当卡耐基偶然碰上肖托夸夏季教育集会运动,他人生的转折点出现了。The turning point in his life came when Carnegie encountered the Chautauqua movement.
- 戴尔绵羊Dall's sheep
- 比较:当卡耐基偶然碰上肖托夸夏季教育集会运动,他人生的转折点出现了。The turning point in his life came when Carnegie encountered the Chautauqua movement.
- 戴尔原则Dale's principle
- 同样的,卡耐基称其他慈善家将财产捐献到不足取道的地方实在是受到了误导。In a similar vein Carnegie argued that other philanthropists were misguided when they gave money to the unworthy.
- 戴尔模式Dell's Model
- 戴尔电脑Dell Computer
- 卡耐基公司和福特、麦克阿瑟以及洛克菲勒基金联合创建了非洲高等教育合作伙伴联盟。The Carnegie Corporation and the Ford, MacArthur and Rockefeller foundations joined to create the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa.