- 建立战略互惠关系Build a strategic mutually beneficial relationship
- 论中日战略互惠关系的经济含义On the Economic Meaning of Sino-Japanese Relations of Strategically Mutual Benefits
- 战略互惠reciprocity strategy
- 中日战略互惠Sino-Japan mutual ben-eficial strategy
- 二、互利互惠关系和公平待遇Mutuality of partnership and reciprocity of fair and equitable treatment
- 战略strategy
- 这可能是彼此互惠关系的开始。This could be the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship.
- 基于此,诚实与信任成为重要的互惠关系。Thus there is an important reciprocal relationship between honesty and trust.
- 战略的strategical
- 对应关系corresponding relation
- 战略管理strategic management
- 关键词:日本式雇佣规则制度的异质性传统雇佣理念负互惠关系Keywords: Japanese employment rule Institutional isomorphism Traditional employment ideology Negative reciprocity
- 战略目标strategic target
- 逻辑关系logical relationship
- 战略规划strategical planning
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。""Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 他是军事战略专家。He is an expert in military strategy.
- 长期合作关系long-term cooperative relationship
- 战略上strategically
- 这与我毫无关系。This does not regard me at all.