- 或might
- 已插入或将插入节点。A node has been or will be inserted.
- 将会will, going to
- 患歇斯底里或将可能有歇斯底里的Having or prone to having hysterics.
- 如果要求签出,则在库中创建文件或将其上载到库中时必须签入新文件。When check-out is required, you must check in a new file when you create it in a library or upload it to a library.
- 如果银行收到此类单据,应退还交单人或将其照转,但对此不承担责任。If they receive such documents, they shall return them to the presenter or pass them on without responsibility.
- WRITE子句更新NULL列或将WRITE clause to update a NULL column or set the value of
- 单击省略号按钮将该文件名保存到所选位置,或将类声明追加到现有文件。Click the ellipsis button to save the file name to the location of your choice, or to append the class declaration to an existing file.
- 附加在公文上的印记(用来证明其可靠性或将其密封)。a stamp affixed to a document (as to attest to its authenticity or to seal it).
- 反背双手或将两手绑在背后With one's hands behind one's back
- 胎便,汇集于腹部小肠中的一种深绿色渣滓物,并在出生时或将近出生之时排出a dark green fecal material that accumulates in the fetal intestines and is discharged at or near the time of birth
- 放入或将之限制于或好像于笼子内to put or confine in or as if in a cage
- 陈良宇之子大马被捕或将引渡Chen Liangyu, the son of Malaysian arrested or extradited
- 西部发展银行或将浮出水面Western Development Bank Is Likely to Emerge
- 选择坐标轴或将它们输入程序中Select coordinate axes or enter them into the program
- 发配,放逐驱逐或将某人放逐To banish or outlaw(a person.
- 减少缩进量或将所选内容提升一级Decreases indent or promotes the selection one level
- 增加缩进量或将所选内容降低一级Increases indent or demotes the selection one level
- 我特此同意批准和确认代理人或其指定替代人按照此委托书所作的或将做的行为,And I hereby agree to ratify and confirm all that the Attorney or his appointed substitute may do or cause to be done in pursuance of this Deed
- 中,键入说明或将该字段保留为空。Type a description or leave the field blank.