- 门诊outpatient service
- 我的医生劝我立即戒烟。My doctor advised me to give up smoking without delay.
- 门诊病人outpatient
- 专家门诊medical expert's consultation
- 那老人下决心戒烟。The old man forswore smoking.
- 医生已经劝他戒烟。The doctor has advised him to abstain from smoking.
- 门诊时间consulting hour
- 你必须戒烟。You must wean yourself from smoking.
- 现在可以预约门诊吗?May I make an appointment now?
- 你应当戒烟。You should abstain from smoking.
- 他说他已决定戒烟了。He said he had decided to cut out smoking.
- e门诊electronic out-patient clinic
- 医生告诫我要戒烟酒。The doctor has told me to keep off cigarettes and alcohol.
- VCT门诊VCT clinic
- 医生直截了当地告诉,他如果不戒烟,他一年内就要死去。The doctor told him baldly that if he didn't stop smoking he'd be dead in a year.
- 门诊治疗ambulatory treatment
- 保健门诊Outpatient service for health care
- 决心戒烟Determine on giving up smoking
- 他说他已经彻底戒烟了。He said he had given up smoking for good and all.
- 不必动手术的可在门诊就医。If you do not require surgery you can be treated as an out-patient.