- 我跑得太快时就心悸.I get palpitationsif I run too fast.
- 我跑得太快时就心悸。I get palpitationsif I run too fast.
- 我跑得太快,因而上气不接不气。I ran so fast that I was out of breath.
- 我跑得太快了,让我来休息一下吧!Let me catch my breath after running so fast!
- 我跟不上其他人的速度,他们跑得太快了。I couldn't stand the pace. The others were too fast for me.
- 这连衣裙太长了,我走路时就拖在地上。This dress is too long,it drags on the ground when I walk.
- 我跑得几乎筋疲力尽。I was near exhausted by the run.
- "6镑," 我说道: "真贵,你可把它放起来留到结婚时穿。""Six pounds, " I said. "That's very good money. You'll be able to save for your bottom drawer, "
- 我跑得快一点还来得及。I can make it if I run a bit faster.
- 她平时很听我的话,但一听到我讲这句话时就转过脸去,回答我说这个人太蠢了。She listens to me well enough ordinarily,but then she turns her back on me and answers that he is too stupid.
- 他们走得太快,那小男孩几乎跟不上。They were walking so fast that the small boy could hardly keep pace with them.
- 那匹马因跑得太多而疲惫了。The horse has gone stale from too much running.
- 我若在太阳下呆得太久,就会脱皮。If I stay in the sun too long my skin peels.
- 比尔跑得快,杰克跑得比比尔快,鲍伯在三者中跑得最快。Bill runs quickly, Jack runs more quickly than Bill, and Bob runs most quickly of all.
- 阿诺德在预赛中跑得太好了,因此完全有把握赢得决定的胜利。Arnold ran so well in the heats that it's a moral certainty he'll win the final race.
- 那个疯子开车开得太快了.That maniac drives far too fast.
- 一想到我做了些什么就感到喘不过气来;跑得喘不过气来;极有兴趣的屏住呼吸跟着火柴的光亮。breathless at thought of what I had done; breathless from running; followed the match with breathless interest.
- 握手时,他握得太紧了,几乎要把我的手捏碎了。When he shook my hand his grasp was so tight he almost crushed me.
- 设法劝他开车不要开得太快。Try to discourage him from driving too fast.
- 本对托比说他能跑得比学校的冠军还要快;托比要他跑着看一看,否则就别吹牛。Ben told Toby that he could run faster than the school champion, and Toby told Ben to put up or shut up.