- 我计画一月份在纽约.I figure on being in New York in January.
- 我计画一月份在纽约。I figure on being in New York in January.
- 我还没有明白地定下我将来的计画。I cannot be sure of my future plans.
- 也许是一月份在澳大利亚为期一周的划水,perhaps a week's skiing in Austria in January
- 我非常感谢您的信任,现准备接受作贵公司在纽约的业务代表。I am ready to accept your representation in New York.
- 你最近有什麽计画?What are your plans for the immediate future?
- 1979年3月1日,我在纽约召开一个记者招待会,宣布了一项重大的决定。On March 1, 1979, I called a press conference in New York to announce a very important acquisition.
- 这项计画什麽时候实施?When does the plan come into operation?
- 自由女神像耸立在纽约港。The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor.
- 她批准了这项计画,但附加了几项意见.She gave her approval to the scheme but not without several qualifications.
- "学习在5分钟内画一匹美丽的马花了我一年多的时间," 艺术家说"It take me more than a year to learn to draw a beautiful horse in five minute, " the artist say.
- 我在洛杉矶上小学,在纽约上中学。I went to grade school in Los Angeles and high school in New York.
- 我们的预定计画在罢工期间完全被打乱了.Our schedule went completely off the rails during the strike.
- 在纽约,董先生会见了来自商业、财经及学术界的社团代表。In New York City Mr Tung met the business,financial and academic communities.
- 实行某计画put a plan into practice
- 我上一次是两年前在纽约见到他的。I saw him last/I last saw him in New York two years ago.
- 在纽约发生恐怖主义袭击的消息在全世界引起了极大震动。The news of the terrorist attacks in New York caused quite a stir.
- 不切实际的改革计画ideal plans for reform
- 然后我问他在纽约是不是有认识的人。Then I asked him if he knew anybody in New York.
- 发展专案管理计画Develop a Project Management Plan