- 这情节对我来说太复杂了,我看不明白。The plot was too mixed up for me; I couldn't follow it.
- 我看不明白.I can't make head or tail.
- 我不喜欢服用那些药。因为那些药伤我的眼睛,使我看不清楚东西。I don't like taking those drugs, they make my eyes go out of focus and I can't see clearly.
- 我觉得情节太复杂我看不明白。The plot was too complicated for me to follow it.
- 我看不出他和他兄弟有任何相似之处。I see no likeness whatever between him and his brother.
- 我看不出他们彼此有什么不同,在我看来,他们确实很相像。I can not see where they differ from each other: to me they look exactly alike.
- 我看了用法说明,但仍然弄不明白。I've read the instructions, but I'm still none the wiser.
- "抬起头来,我看不见你的眼睛。" 国王说。"Lift the fellow up, and hang him immediately." said the king.
- 把我们的全部计划都告诉他,我看不太合适。I don't see fit to tell him all our plans.
- 解决她的问题的办法显而易见,我怎么也不明白她怎么会看不出。The solution to her problem is so obvious I cannot for the life of me understand why she doesn't see it.
- 我的朋友们消失在人群中,我看不到他们了。My friends merged into the crowd and I lost sight of them.
- 我看不出为什么两台车遭到破坏。我们应该采取措施防止将来再发生这样的事情。I saw no reason why the two cars were damaged. We ought to take actions to prevent this kind of thing in the future.
- 我不知道家庭医生从哪儿学来的那种看不明白、令人迷惑的书法。I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting.
- 我看不懂这张地图,你能指出我们现在是在哪里吗?I am having trouble understanding this map. Can you show me where we are on the map?
- 我看不出你怎么能不出任这个职务。I don't see how you can get away with filling in the position.
- 新楼房遮住了港湾,使我看不见了。My view of the harbour was blocked by the new building.
- 我看不出你在写作方面有什么改进。I cannot see any improvement in your writing.
- 我看不见大楼那边,大楼挡住了视线。I can't see beyond the building that blocks the view.
- 我看不出他们不能成为幸福夫妻的理由。I see no reason why they should not make a happy couple.
- 我看不见东西了,因为我的眼镜上布满了雾气。I couldn't see a thing because my glasses had fogged up.