- 我的护照已经过期了.My passport is out of date.
- 您的护照已经过期了。Your passport has expired.
- 你知道我原打算去墨西哥度假吧?但是就在昨天我发现我的护照已经过期,而且已经来不及换新的了。You know I was supposed to go on holiday tomorrow to Mexico? Well,yesterday I discovered my passport had expired and now it's too late to renew it.
- 你的护照已经过期了。Your passport has expired
- 我开始学习英语已经一年多了,我高兴地说,在英语方面我的进步很大。It's been over a year now since I began studying English, I am glad to say that I'm getting on well on well with it.
- 这些教导照亮了我的心,指明了方向,给了我无限的力量。These teachings lit up my mind, pointed out the direction and gave me endless strength.
- 这种只谈你的儿时的话题对我来说是一堆废话。我的童年时代可没有给我留下美好的回忆。All this talk of the happiest days of your life is bunkum to me. I have no happy memories of my childhood.
- 我的护照已过期了。My passport is out of date.
- 杰西卡又说:“一周前我就告诉过你,警察局来信说你的驾照已经过期了。Jessica said again, "I told you a week ago that the state sent you a letter telling you that your license had expired.
- 我的护照上没盖章.They didn't stamp my passport.
- 这是我的护照。 我准备坐中国国际航空公司班机去德里。Here 's my passport. I am going on the Air China Flight to Delhi .
- 这是我的护照和签证。Here is my passport with visa.
- 这盒录影带已经过期了。我会多租一天付逾期费来看。---那会比再租一次便宜。This video's already late. I'll keep it one more day, watch it, and then pay the late fees. ---Yep, that would be cheaper than renting it twice.
- 我想把我的护照从保险箱里拿出来。I want to take my passport out of the safety deposit box.
- XOOPS保留了站点上公布的投票列表既使它们已经过期了。XOOPS keeps a list of the polls published in a site even if they've expired.
- 没等我把咖啡喝完,侍者就匆匆地把我的杯子收了起来。The waiter whipped away my cup before I'd finished my coffee.
- 到饭店安顿好后,他们立刻要走了我的护照。After settling down well in the hotel, they take my passport at once.
- 我的这件毛织上衣的袖口已经磨损了。This old jumper of mine is frayed at the sleeve cuff.
- 直到上个星期他在自家阁楼内翻查一个盒子时才注意到这本借来的书已经过期很久了。He found it last week while looking through a box in the attic.
- 绿树长到了我的窗前,仿佛是喑哑的大地发出的渴望的声音。The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.