- 我的一个爱好就是集邮?One of my pursuitsis collecting stamps?
- 我的一个爱好就是集邮.My one hobby is collect stamps.
- 在网上。对我,射影只是我的一个爱好。On the internet. To me, photograph is just one of my hobby.
- 这种只谈你的儿时的话题对我来说是一堆废话。我的童年时代可没有给我留下美好的回忆。All this talk of the happiest days of your life is bunkum to me. I have no happy memories of my childhood.
- 给予你我对你的爱,最好的一个方式就是和你一起充分享受我的一切。One of the best ways for me to give you love is by fully enjoying myself with you.
- 他的最大爱好就是雕镌印章。His favors carving seals the most.
- "你不能带玛丽去参加晚会,她是我的女朋友。" "是这么回事吗?""You can't take Mary to the party- She's my girl." "Says who?"
- 希尔由养父母带大,从小,她的音乐爱好就受到了鼓励。Raised by adoptive parents,Hill received early encouragement in her musical proclivities.
- 我的一个邻居大吃大喝,在两星期内体重增加了二十磅。A neighbor of mine went on an eating jag and gained twenty pounds in two weeks.
- 狂犬病的一个症状就是口吐泡沫。A symptom of rabies is foaming at the mouth.
- "她没有给我回信。事实是,她甚至没有看过我的信。"She didn't answer my letter. The fact is she didn't even read it.
- 这一开始就是我们的一个重要目标。Gregory: That was a key objective from the start.
- 这就是富于同情心的保守主义的精髓,也将是我的政府的基石。This is the essence of compassionate conservatism and it will be a foundation of my administration.
- 正在写信的那个人是我的一个朋友。The man writing a letter is one of my friends.
- 住在农村的一个优势就是接近大自然。One advantage of living in the country is that one can get close to nature.
- 珍妮是我的一个学生,我教她法文。Jane is a student of mine. I teach her French.
- 这次空袭的一个主要目的,就是通过轰炸彻底摧毁敌人的通讯设施。One of the major aims of the air raid was the complete demolition of all means of communications by bombing.
- 如果我的运算正确,答案就是 142。If my maths is/are right, the answer is 142.
- 我的一个同学说老师出了事故,我们都不相信。One of my classmates said that an accident happened to the teacher, but we couldn't believe it.
- 该局进行了一项重要计划,就是设立一个内容包罗万有的贸易入门网站。A major project it undertook in this respect was the development of an all embracing trade portal.