- 我父母经营一家超市.My parents are running a supermarket.
- 他的父母经营一家小旅馆。His parents run a small hotel.
- 迈克的父母经营一家餐馆。他们两人对垃圾都没有任何特殊的兴趣。但迈克两岁时,就开始异常喜欢追逐附近经过的垃圾车。他母亲说,当迈克还在牙牙学语的时候,嘴巴里呢喃着的始终是Wong and Sasso are restaurant owners and never had a special interest in trash until Michael,at age two,began showing an unusual interest in trailing garbage trucks through the neighborhood,his mother said,noting that
- 我们同我父母在城里一家餐馆吃的饭。We dined with my parents at a restaurant in town.
- 香港一家超市:为了您的方便,我们建议您大胆地、完全地自助。For your convenience, we recommend courageous, efficient self-service.
- 有三间房间:一间是我的,一间是我妹妹的,剩下的一间是我父母的。There are three rooms; one is mine, another is my sister's and the other is my parents'.
- 我爸经营一家餐馆,妈妈是家庭妇女。My dad runs a restaurant and mom is a housewife.
- 每月需付的款子对我父母来说是一笔沉重负担。The monthly payment are too much for my parents.
- 附近有一家超市。There is a supermarket nearby.
- 我父母由于我来晚了而痛责我一顿。My parents really gave it to me for coming in late.
- 邻近就有一家超市。There's a supermarket in the vicinity.
- 他在麦迪逊附近经营一家牛奶场。He ran a dairy near Madison.
- 分歧使我这一代人不同于我父母那一代。A chasm separates my generation from my parents'.
- 我在一家超市做兼职。I work part-time at a supermarket.
- 我父母把我赶出来了, 我能不能和你挤一宿呢?My parents have thrown me out; can I crash with you for tonight?
- 他协助父亲在上海经营一家商店。He helped his father run a shop in Shanghai.
- 当我听到消息时,我正在一家超市购物。When I heard the news, I was shopping in a supermarket.
- 我经营一家书店。I run a book store.
- “我父母双亡,而我被送到一位坏心的农夫那儿。My parents are dead and I was sent to an unkind farmer.
- 在这条路的尽头,有一家超市。At the end of the road, there is a supermarket.