- 杨先生是个有责任心又有经验的司机,所以乘坐他的车你们尽可放心。Mr. Yang is a responsible and experienced driver,so you are in good hands when riding in his coach.
- 宝贝,我发誓,我不是个有钱的粗鲁人,我挣钱也不象你想的那么容易,相信我,其实我是个绅士。Honey, cross my heart, i am not a pig in clover. I make money not so easy as you thought. Trust me, i am gentleman.
- 我们需要再添几个有经验,又机灵的推销员。We need several more salesmen who not only know the business,but are on their toes.
- 我是个有经验的推销员.I am an experienced salesman.
- 这是我进入学院的第一年,我是新生。约翰参加了很多课外活动,他是个足球队员。John has extracurricular activities. He's on the football team.
- 那怕是个有经验的登山者也能陷入困境.Even an experienced climber can get into trouble.
- 我是个集邮爱好者。我想买一些新的专题邮票,请帮帮忙。I'm a stamp lover. I would like some new thematic stamps. I think you can help me.
- 我们需要再添几个有经验而且又机灵的推销员。We need several more salesmen who not only know the business, but are on their toes.
- 大多数人认为我比较外向,我是个能给朋友带来欢乐的人.The majority people thought I compare the extroversion,I am can bring the happy person to the friend.
- 总是很难,不仅仅在比赛中,我是一个人,我不能不顾及游戏外的其他事情(我很有经验)It's hard always, and not only in the moments when I'm playing. Yes, I'm human indeed. Anyway I can concentrate regardless of anything (I'm quite experienced).
- 请找个有经验的工人教他尽快熟悉这项工作。Please get a skilled workman to put him up to the job in as short a time as possible.
- 在处理病人方面,我是个糟糕的懦夫。I am a terrible coward when it come to dealing with sick people.
- 在这一带,约翰是个头头,我是他的副手。John is number one around here and I'm his number two.
- 个有经验的推销员可以识别潜在顾客准备购买的线索。An experienced salesperson recognizes the clues that the prospect is ready to buy.
- 新闻系有人断定我是个最有前途的学生。Someone in the journalism department had decided that I was the most promising student.
- 不管你是个初学者还是有经验的泳者,Whether you are a beginner or an experienced swimmer
- 他不仅骂我是个无情的妻子,而且是个违背天理的母亲。He called me not only an unkind wife, but an unnatural mother.
- 我是个务实的人,我知道你不可能一夜之间使人产生变化。I'm a realist,I know you can't change people overnight.
- 我是个有家业,结了婚,生了孩子的人。I'm a solid married man with kids.
- 他说我是个忘恩负义的无耻小人,直到死的时候他还是心怀不满。He called me an ungrateful wretch and nourished the grievance to the end of his days.