- 我早[晚]到了两三分钟.I arrived a couple of minutes early/late
- 我早到了两三分钟。I arrived a couple of minutes early.
- 他不在家。这么晚了他回去哪里呢?我早就知道了!我早知道事情不对劲了。He is not home. Where could he be so late at night? I knew it. I knew something was wrong. He must be out messing around.
- 很抱歉这么晚来打扰你,但我的车撞到篱笆墙了,我得打电话给修理厂。I'm sorry to inflict myself on you so late, but my ear ran into the fence and I must telephone the garage.
- 达索和庞巴迪正在接受的订单排到了两三年之后了,而波音表示,新飞机最快能在2012年交货。Dassault and Bombardier are taking orders for two to three years out, and Boeing says the soonest a new plane can be delivered is 2012.
- 我早已经完成了出国访问的历史任务。我是决心不出国的了。I have long since accomplished my historical task of making overseas visits, and I am determined not to take any more trips abroad.
- 我走了两三哩路,忽然遇到一个老实的乡下人,他正忙着干些庄稼活儿。I walked about two or three miles, and then I met a plain countryman, who was busy about some husbandry work.
- 我来详细说说我早些时候讲过的话。Let me amplify my earlier remarks.
- 我们花了两三个小时把这些送到慈善商店里的衣服打包。We spent two or three hours bagging up clothes to take to the charity shops.
- 我早[晚]到了两三分钟。I arrived a couple of minutes early/late.
- 我跨过板凳,坐到了自己的书桌前。I climbed over my bench and sat down at once at my desk.
- 对这个计划我心存疑窦,如果我早讲出来,我们就可省掉好多麻烦了。If I had given tongue to my doubts about the plan, we might all have been saved a lot of trouble.
- 我走了两三哩路,忽然遇到一个老实的乡下人,他正忙着干些庄稼活儿。I walked about two or three miles, and then I met a plain countryman, who was busy about some husbandry work.
- 昨天我参加路考,拿到了驾车执照。I took the road test and got my driver's licence yesterday.
- 塔克总督,我早该猜到是你在主使维达Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash
- “喝,一定要喝父亲,告诉我酒在什么地方?”唐太斯一面说着,一面打开了两三个碗柜。"Yes,yes,father,tell me where it is," and he opened two or three cupboards.
- 奏效!我吓到你了!我早知道了,哈哈!Joey: (pointing) It worked! I scared ya, I knew it! Ha-ha!
- 我的飞机模型的发射机失灵了,飞机失控了,撞到了一棵树上。My model aircraft transmitter failed and the plane went haywire and crashed into tree.
- 去学校要穿过市区,光是步行的距离就把我早饭吃的猪油玉米粥消耗光了。The school was far across town and the walking distance alone consumed my breakfast of mush and lard gravy.
- 我父亲把那台旧电视机原样搞到了手。My father got that old TV set as is.